1. The ESG criteria indicators shall apply to the relevant SCN projects in the region that focuses on various SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
2. The ESG assessment will cover impacts and risks of all aspects of SCN projects.
3. The ESG policy is divided into 3 broad dimensions, and 13 sub-category objectives as outlined below:
a. Environmental dimension
i. Protection and Enhancement of Biodiversity and the Natural Environment
ii. Climate Change Mitigation
iii. GHG Emissions Reduction
iv. Efficient Use of Natural Resources/
v. Waste Management and Reduction
vi. Transition to a Circular Economy
vii. Embedding Pollution Prevention and Control
b. Social dimension
i. Gender Diversity and Inclusivity
ii. Health and Safety
iii. Human and Labour Rights
iv. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Migration
v. Stakeholder Engagement
c. Governance dimension
i. Anti-corruption Policies and Procedures
ii. Transparency and Accountability Policies and Procedures
iii. Data Protection and Cybersecurity
iv. Sustainability and Compliance Policies and Procedures